AFTER SEEING THE Wayne Brady show, if you can prove to me that you didn't enjoy yourself, I will give you your money back.
Lately the Boss has been sending me out to review more shows, I can only hope someday I get to see this one again.
So who the hell is Wayne Brady? I told some friends I was going to see his show. They were thrilled, and said he was "very funny"; he had a Talk Show on Comedy Central, and started with Drew Carey in "Whose Line is it Anyway"? So I say again, who the hell is Wayne Brady? Last night I saw Wayne Brady, and was I ever surprised. Maybe I should watch more TV, and get cable?
This guy is more than a comic; he is a fantastic singer, dancer and showman. From start to finish everyone had fun. As I looked around at the audience of more than 600, he had them ALL mesmerized. You could see this guy's talent amazed the entire audience; he had them in the palm of his hand. I have never seen anything like it before.
There is a very talented group of people accompanying Wayne. The show opened on a beautiful stage with a great song & dance tune. He had four agile dancers and a terrific band. The first act set the night right.
His partner in the ad-lib and improv part of the show is Jonathan Mangum. These two guys played off each other like the best tennis pros. They picked people out of the audience to join them on stage and superbly worked them into the act.
The final 30 minutes was Busbee Berkeley meets Tina Turner and James Brown. Wayne, looking good in a white dress, and a Tina Turner wig worked it out with the hot girl dancers. He followed Tina Turner, with James Brown. Dressed in purple velvet sports jacket he made his way singing, "It's a Man's World," and dancing down a staircase, together all the dancers and the powerhouse band.
For the finally he paid tribute to Sammy Davis Jr. He sang a medley of Sammy Davis kind of songs that would have made Sammy very happy.
IN FACT, I believe Wayne Brady could be the Sammy Davis Jr. for the 21st Century.
This is it; I can't say anymore, I have used up all the adjectives in the Word Thesaurus. WAIT, Thanks Boss, now I know you really love me.
The Venetian Showroom $69$89 + Tax.
SundayThursday 9:30 PM
For Tickets Call (702) 414-9000 or (866) 641-7469