Vegas Community Online

Friday Flyer

This Week's Flyer Contains:

World Environment Day

Featured Artist of the Month - June

VCO Welcomes its Newest Columnist

Featured Announcement

"Vegas Insider" Columns

This Week's Announcements

Vote for your Favorite Poem

Weekly Prize Giveaway



Yesterday, June 5th was World Environment Day. World Environment Day is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The World Environment Day slogan for 2008 is Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy. Recognizing that climate change is becoming the defining issue of our era, UNEP is asking countries, companies and communities to focus on greenhouse gas emissions and how to reduce them. The World Environment Day will highlight resources and initiatives that promote low carbon economies and life-styles, such as improved energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, forest conservation and eco-friendly consumption. To learn more click HERE.



Featured Artist

for the Month: June

Criss Angel


Featured Announcement:

Congratulations Senator Barack Obama


Senator Barack Obama claimed the Democratic nomination for president in a speech in Minnesota this past Tuesday -- an historic achievement that for the first time will place an African American at the top of a major political party's ticket.

He stated: "Tonight I can stand here and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States," Obama declared in his speech to a raucous crowd at the Xcel Center in St. Paul.



VCO is proud to Welcome Our Newest Columnist

City of Henderson

Known as a community of small town values with big city efficiencies, the city of Henderson is the largest full-service city in the state of Nevada providing residents all the essential services – ambulance, fire suppression, police, sewer and water services. Known throughout the nation for its premier master-planned communities, outstanding parks and recreation facilities, and cultural arts programs and amenities, Henderson offers an enhanced quality of life for those who choose to live, learn, work, and play here.

Throughout its history, the city of Henderson has distinguished itself for its unique innovations and progressive planning to provide citizens with some of the first, only, largest, or most unique services and amenities in Nevada that help set Henderson apart. The City of Henderson will share with us on what's happening with in Henderson.


To view Section Information, click on the Section Title.
To view a VCO Columnist's BIO, click on the Columnist's Name.
To view their column, click on the Article Name

Columns of the Week:

Summertime & the Stealing Is Easy


  Nevada Government             
  Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons
Weekly Update
  Governor Jim Gibbons’ tax amnesty program, designed to generate additional revenue for the state’s General Fund, is scheduled to take effect July 1 following the unanimous approval of the Nevada Tax Commission...........

  Nevada Government           
  Senator Harry Reid
Climate Security Act
Most of my Senate colleagues understand that global warming is real and is caused mainly by manmade pollution.  We must begin now to greatly reduce our emissions to restore some balance to the global climate system......
You Too
Can Help Our

  Nevada Government           
  Senator John Ensign
Weekly Update
Senator John Ensign joined a group of nearly two dozen lawmakers to introduce a bill that ensures that the votes of our military men and women are counted......

  Nevada Government         
  Congresswoman Shelley Berkley
  Weekly Update

Berkley Secures Nearly $1.5 Million for Beltway Improvements, Craig Road Overpass, Berkley Alarmed By New Report Showing Rise In Army Suicides, Yucca Mountain Still Broken, Price Tag Still Growing......


  Nevada Government              
  Department of Business and Industry
NV Labor Comm. to Solicit Comments at Upcoming Wage Workshops
The Office of the Labor Commissioner will be holding workshops to solicit comments on the adoption of regulations pertaining to Chapter 608 of the Nevada Legislative Code, which deals with compensation, wages, and hours......

  Las Vegas Government          

Metro - Department Crime Prevention

Summertime & the Stealing Is Easy
As the hot summer months begin many people are probably planning trips to cooler destinations. Unfortunately, criminals seldom take vacations! During the summer months, many of the unoccupied homes across the valley will be burglarized.....

  City of North Las Vegas       
  Community Workshops on N. Las Vegas Downtown Master Plan
The implementation of the master plan should improve real estate values, occupancy levels, employment opportunities and consumer activity while enhancing the City’s profile and providing numerous other benefits......
Visit VCO's
For Daily

  Presidential Candidates       
  Barack Obama      
  Barack Obama's Victory Speech on June 3, 2008

On the evening he wins the Democratic Party's nomination for president, Barack Obama speaks from St. Paul, Minnesota......


  Presidential Candidates   
  John McCain
A Visit to Iraq
I have visited Iraq on many occasions because I think the most vital decision that any President of the United States can make has got to be about the security of this nation and the lives of the young Americans who are serving.......

  Presidential Candidates      
  Senator Hillary R. Clinton       
Thank You!

Hillary speaks in New York for finals contests of Democratic primaries......



  Politically Speaking           
  John Daly
Russia: Six Years Ago
This is an article I wrote nearly six years ago while in Moscow. The cash flow and the national debt in Russia have certainly changed thanks to higher oil revenues. If you have been to Russia lately, tell me how it has changed from what I witnessed here.........


  Politically Speaking            
  Sergeant Deborah Galan
Meet Hamida - A young girl from Afghanistan
Another three year old, a girl, I visited with for a while was suffering from a serious onset of pneumonia. There are lots of Afghan children in the wards taken care of by our service men and women in the medical field. Theirs is a very difficult job.......


  Politically Speaking           
  Karen Jill Benzer
"Seasoned And Spoiled" vs. "Fresh Meat"
Time and time again...we have heard the other two candidates tell us that they have the experience to change this country...I’ll give them that... They have years and years of service but in the same breath I also see that the establishments way of getting things done doesn't do anything for us Americans.........


  Politically Speaking            
  Democratic Party
Turn Nevada Blue
Come join Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, Senate Minority Leader Steven Horsford, Dina Titus, and your great candidates for State Senate and Assembly as they help kickoff the campaigns of Shirley Breeden and April Mastroluca.....


Politically Speaking Crossover column   
  Bob "The Coach" Ciaffone                
  The Decision of the Dem Rules/Bylaws Committee  Crossover

Since I am one of the Michigan delegates, and had optimistically bought my airline ticket to Denver back in April, I had a personal interest in the outcome....



  Monthly Horoscope           
  Michele Avanti, CAP              
June '08 Horoscope
                 2008 Astrological Outlook

How to Use This Column: As you read your sun and moon sign, you will note each section is broken into Focus, Test, Key & Action. Focus defines what you will find yourself focused on during this time....


  Notes from Norm            
  Norm Clarke
Weekly Wrap-Up 5-31-08 - 6-06-08
Heidi Fleiss has been besieged by e-mail requests from women inquiring when Heidi's Stud Farm will open and from men wanting to stud there. .........

  Vegas Wishes & Desert Dreams       
  Robin Leach
Weekly Wishes and Dreams

It just might well wind up being the most expensive one-night dinner date in history. Former Planet Hollywood Resort’s Beauty of Magic Strip showgirl Pamela Anderson flew to the United Arab Emirates to boost the local chapter’s debut of the Make A Wish foundation......


  Frederick's Facts & More            
  John Fredericks
Another milestone! 

Any big changes in his life in the past month?  Nothing earth shaking.  (Unless you count the fact that he now tips the scales at over 75 pounds!!!)  However, he IS beginning to calm down just a bit.......


  Publisher's Favorite E-mails       
  Marleen Marino
  Interesting Story & Some Great PowerPoint Presentations
A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife and then buried her with their infant baby and 8-year old daughter. The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids.........


  Contemporary Arts Collective
Lincoln Maynard, Artist
I have personally had the pleasure of proudly representing Lincoln for many years. His works of art are quite significant, as they are indicative of the world's current status. His passion exudes through his current series; "Rhythms of the Earth".


  Jackie Brett
  Brett's Vegas View 06-06-08

The Masquerade Show in the Sky at the Rio is now known as Show in the Sky.  The free show is staged in the Masquerade Village, Thursday through Sunday, from 7 p.m. to midnight on the hour and it's open to the public.......



Victoria Alexander
Viewpoint on Vegas: June 6, 2008
As you know, my dear friend Jacques has been widely recognized and honored as the premier investigating scientist in the realm of UFO research........



Celebrity Chef Connection 
Kristofer’s Steak House
The Riviera Hotel and Casino has been around for over 50 years and this casino still retains its wonderful old school charm while offering great food and entertainment.  One of their great restaurants has been serving Vegas is Kristofer’s Steak House.....

  Weekly Ladies Poker Tournaments Bonus
  I had a great time and the Silverton Poker Room is a wonderful place to play, especially the ladies only tournament.....


Pete Allman
Louie Anderson and John O’Hurley Support Animal Foundation
Animals can be our friends, helpers and healers. The Animal Foundation’s Best in Show fundraiser helps animals find loving homes and to ensure that cats and dogs have a better chance for the happiness they deserve.

  Victoria Rowell Author, Actor and Foster Youths’ Advocate

Raised in a foster home, Victoria Rowell has excelled as an actor, dancer, and now she is a best-selling author with a passion to educate and inspire foster children and women to do more and to be their best…



Chuck Rounds                    
Las Vegas Entertainment News June 2008
Las Vegas is my home. It is known as a party town, as Sin City, as the Mecca of gambling, as the Entertainment Capital of the World, as the oasis in the desert...but as a whole, it is a town like any other......



Liberace Foundation
Up Coming Events
These are some great up coming events at the Liberace Museum and "The Liberace Foundation & Museum congratulates Wes Winters on his new opportunity......



Bea Fogelman 
Bette Midler Tribute Artist Honored at Convention
Sherie Rae Parker, Bette Midler tribute artist, was presented with three trophies for the Best Singer Tribute Performer, the Most Professional Tribute Artist and for Lifetime Achievement......


  Chick Hughes
  This weeks Picks for Chick's Chicks
  See Chick with some gorgeous gals....

  Pet of the Week              

Nevada SPCA 
Pet of the Week - June 6th
This week's Pet of the Week..


  The Vegas Eye         
  The Vegas Eye             
The Latest From the EYE
This July 4, Playboy cover model Tiffany Holiday hosts Torrid ’s Red White and Boobs Independence Day celebration. As part of the festivities, a contest is being held for a complimentary breast augmentation courtesy of Dr. Pancholi from Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas....

  Marketing & Promotions for Small Businesses            

Mary Ann Butcher
Letterman Is Not The Only One With a Top Ten List
Marketing IS a science and every strategy should have an actionable tactic with a measurable result.  I have listed below the basics of what every new and existing small business can do to increase their chances of success by using these low cost tips......


  I-AM Youth Program                
  Laurence T  
  Community Giving Back
I would also like to here your opinions about the show, after you see it. We are working hard this summer to save our children, I need all of you to support our work now.....


Smith Plastic Surgery Institute
Teenagers Turning To Plastic Surgery
There is a growing trend of teenagers turning to cosmetic plastic surgery to change or improve their looks.  While some plastic surgeries performed on adolescents are needed, many are not.  The adolescent years are a difficult times when the body is changing, some may say they are the hardest years, especially since we live an image-obsessed society.....


  Nevada Cancer Institute
N.I.O. Official Charity of the World Series Of Poker
“Nevada Cancer Institute is a wonderful community partner for the World Series of Poker,” said Jeffrey Pollack, World Series of Poker commissioner.  “The work NVCI’s researchers and physicians are doing at NVCI resonates not only locally, but around the world by expanding the field of knowledge about this disease.” .....


  Our Diverse Community         

Las Vegas LaVoce

  Happy Father’s Day
My dad taught me how to be a man of honor, dignity and trustworthiness. He taught me how I should not take anything for granted, and no matter what, to be honest with the people I deal with. I am a hard worker, which is an Italian trait.....

  Our Diverse Community             

Las Vegas Kabbalah Centre
Monthly Insight
When in doubt, keep it simple. Simplicity is one of the most powerful spiritual tools. It is certainly important to do our utmost to understand the spiritual work and its framework......


  Our Diverse Community            

Young Israel-Aish
How do you Deal with Confrontation?


Rabbi Wyne shares new insight on the face off between Jacob and Esau......




The Adventurers - Las Vegas Chapter
Hey Las Vegas!!!
Right now, the hot thing is wine tasting. Everyone is getting into it and it is a huge business. Many companies charge from $35.00 all the way up $200.00 for their wine tasting. Well, I have a little secret for you. Shhh!!! Just keep this between us......


The Best of "the Coach's" Poker        
  Bob "The Coach" Ciaffone
  Bonehead Errors

In this column, I am going to confess to some of the boneheaded poker errors I have made. One of the basic attributes of a good player is being able to read one's hand. Yet, I have misread my hand on several occasions, and as fate would have it, there was at least a grand in the pot each time.....







Celebrity-Packed "Queens of Heart®" Poker Event at 2008 WSOP




A star-studded lineup of celebrities and poker professionals have committed to play in this year’s event, slated as a three-day tournament beginning at 12 noon on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at the Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino®. Among the scheduled participants and current members of the Queens of Heart team for 2008 are - Joely Fisher, Shawnee Barton, Teri Hatcher, Camryn Manheim, Mimi Rogers, Susie Isaacs, Mary Jones, Barbara Enright, Sally Ann Boyer, Pamela Brunson, Mindy McCready, Lisa Tenner, Cheryl Hines and Jackie Collins (honorary captain) to nmae just a few.                    

Celebrating Shavuot

Shavuot (or Shavuos, in Ashkenazi usage; Hebrew: שבועות, lit. "Weeks") is a Jewish holiday that occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan (late May or early June). It marks the conclusion of the Counting of the Omer and the day the Torah was given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. It is one of the shalosh regalim, the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals.

The date of Shavuot is directly linked to that of Passover. The Torah mandates the seven-week Counting of the Omer, beginning on the second day of Passover and immediately followed by Shavuot. This counting of dsays and weeks is understood to express anticipation and desire for the Giving of the Torah. On Passover, the Jewish people were freed from their enslavement to Pharaoh; on Shavuot they accepted the Torah and became a nation committed to serving God.




Nevada Congressional Delegation Responds To Energy Department Application for Yucca Mountain



Nevada’s congressional delegation responded to the Department of Energy’s submittal of an application for the licensing to begin construction of the proposed nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain.  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) now has 90 days to review the application preliminarily to determine if it is complete.  If the application is accepted, the NRC will take at least three years to determine whether to grant the license to begin building the dump. Read all responses HERE.


Rev Your Engines For The Annual Fremont Street Experience Vegas Cruise


The Fremont Street Experience will host their annual Vegas Cruise event Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 8.  The weekend will feature free live concerts, a free car show and plenty of ‘50’s-themed fun.  The annual Vegas Cruise brings a weekend of entertainment to Fremont Street with performances by Jimmy Bond, The Temptation Review, Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels and Cornell Gunter’s Coasters. The performance schedule is as follows:
Friday, June 6

  • Jimmy Bond from 8-11 p.m. at the 1st Street Stage

  • The Temptation Review from 8-11 p.m. at the 3rd Street Stage

Saturday, June 7

  • Jimmy Bond from 6-8 p.m. at the 1st Street Stage

  • The Temptation Review from 6-8 p.m. at the 3rd Street Stage

  • Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels from 9-11 p.m. at the 1st Street Stage

  • Cornell Gunter’s Coasters from 9-11 p.m. at the 3rd Street Stage

If you're reading this and haven't become a member of the VCO community (don't forget membership is free) Click HERE and have a chance to win any of the fabulous prizes listed below!


Grand Giveaway


Two tickets to see


Barry Manilow


"Music and Passion Concert"


at the Las Vegas Hilton


Get Up and Go’s own Larry Tyler is proud to sponsor a

Hawaii Island Hopper Holiday

 5 days and 4 nights in a tropical, Hawaiian paradise  , with the added flexibility of seven-day check in

A $1,160 value.

(airfare not included)

  "Dinner for 2" at Benihana   
  "Dinner for 2" at TJ's Steakhouse    
  at the Las Vegas Hilton  

Monthly Giveaway



Vote for your Favorite Poem HERE

The "Best Feedback and Best Poem" each month
 will win one of the 2 prizes listed below

This month we received Feedback, but it seems we did not

have a subject on our readers minds. So from now on we

will have a OPEN theme, send us YOUR Feedback & Poems

on any subject near and dear to your hearts

and may the best poem and feedback win!

$100 Gift Certificate from the $100 Gift Certificate from
 Bella Vita Studio   Jazzee's Boutique
2827 Paradise Road
(702) 732-9700
See All Past Winners Here

Keep submitting your Feedback and Poems, then at the end of the month,

 YOU, the VCO readers can vote for your favorites.

(One vote per reader, to be announced 2nd week of following month) 

 Keep in mind VCO's website Guidelines


Weekly Giveaway

Legends in Concert
at the Imperial Palace
WINNER Denny Ankomeus

The Scintas

at the Las Vegas Hilton

WINNER Roberta LaRocca


Jay White

at the Riviera

WINNER Dan Ingster

Bobby Slayton
at Hooters
WINNER Tracey Brown

Gerry McCambridge
at Hooters
WINNER  Ross Common

Barbra & Frank
at the Riviera 
WINNER Charlene Albete

Country Superstars
at Fitzgerald's
WINNER Del Foley

Defending the Caveman
 at the Golden Nugget
WINNER Amanda Holloman
“Beatles Tribute:
 4 Lads from Liverpool”
 at the Four Queens
WINNER Bev Norton
Liberace Museum
Located in the Liberace Plaza
WINNER Cheryl Congdon

The Soprano's Last Supper
at the Riviera 
WINNER Hollie Vest

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